Monday 26 June 2023

White-barred Knot-horn Elegia similella

A surprise in the garden trap this morning, the Nationally Scarce (Nb) White-barred Knot-horn Elegia similella (Pyralidae).

I've seen this before at Holtspur Bottom, but great to add it to the garden list.

I think this is quite scarce in Bucks.

(I presume OK to record based on this photo and does not need gen. det.?)

Neil Fletcher
Walter's Ash, VC24


  1. Hi Neil,
    Yes, that's definitely similella and there's no need to dissect. There are 30 or so records for Bucks, mostly from its usual habitat (oak woodland).

  2. Thanks Dave, I thought it was probably safe to record, but best to check!
    I'm not in oak woodland, though there are mature oaks close by. First one in 20+ years of recording here, so maybe a wanderer!


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