Saturday 18 April 2020

Micro query from Longwick

Slowly starting to pick up here with my first Ruby Tiger - not a moth I see in Spring much, Swallow prominent and Scorched Carpet. I can't place a micro which is all dark with a speckled appearance. Its wing length is around 7mm. Also pictured is what I believe may be the same Pug species as Richards?  Apologies for the strange angle but it was very flighty! It has a wing span of around 22mm and ignoring the scale damage on the left wing it is quite nondescript and grey with no obvious discal spot - in fact it seems more to have a dark vein on the wing rather than a spot. It also has the white thorax marking. It looks a bit like Mottled Pug without the dark markings!

Interested in views on these.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew,
    I can't be certain what the pug is, I'm afraid! However, I suspect the micro will be the fairly common Scrobipalpa acuminatella although I'd suggest getting one properly inspected just to be sure, especially if you haven't recorded it before in your garden. There are other less common Scrobipalpa species which can be obscurely marked like this. I retained a couple in the garden from April and May last year and they turned out to be obsoletella and atriplicella.


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