Tuesday 12 May 2020

Micro moth larvae

Found between two leaves.  Is this a Lime  -  sorry not great on trees.

Steve Lockey (Garsington)


  1. Hello Steve,
    The answers to most caterpillar questions at the moment are either Mottled Umber (if nicely coloured) or Winter Moth (if green) and I think your example falls into the latter category. That does look like a leaf of lime (Tilia) but if I'm correct with the caterpillar ID then it doesn't really matter - they eat just about any tree species!

  2. Thanks Dave, after looking again I think it's Whitebeam.

  3. For what it's worth, that looks like a Hazel leaf to me.

  4. Thanks Martin, time to do some swotting!.


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