Monday, 25 May 2020

Rather featureless mystery...

The yearlist (and garden list) continues to tick steadily upwards in Wolvercote, Oxfordshire; this individual, from a couple of nights ago, rather has me stumped - rather undistinguished above, though it may just be that my eye and camera aren't picking up on some subtle details; the underwing, just about showing in one of the photos, was quite strikingly white. I'd be grateful for any thoughts...

Steve Goddard

Unknown, 23/5/20

Unknown, 23/5/20


  1. That is a male of one of the darker and more obscure forms of Turnip, Steve. In this case the markings (especially the 'dart' and cross-line at one third) are still just about visible and there are clues in the antennae and hind-wings too.

  2. Thanks, Dave: I got another identical individual in the trap this morning, and this time realised what it was...


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