Saturday, 15 August 2020

Micros again.....

 Nothing so spectacular here in Merton I'm afraid. Just a couple I'm not sure about...
I trapped these on Tuesday night. I think the first is a Small Golden Rod Plume? Body about 6mm and yellowish. Plenty of Golden Rod here. I think the second is Cochylimorpha straminea ? Any help welcome.


  1. Hello Linda,

    I'm not sure about the plume either. I think you are in the correct area but the marks along the leading edge suggest that it isn't osteodactylus. To me it looks more like either carphodactyla or (more likely for the habitat in your area) Adaina microdactyla. It is one I would have kept back for dissection to be sure.

    The other moth, though, is indeed Cochylimorpha straminea.

  2. Thanks Dave
    There is a lot more Golden Rod and Ragwort around here compared with Hemp Agrimony, but I'll leave it as unsafe ID. I have avoided dissection so far. When you keep for dissection what do you do? how do you keep it, where would I send it and how.....

  3. Hi Linda,
    I keep the moths in pots (usually glass tubes) in the freezer, each pot with an appropriate label, then towards the end of the year hand them over to an expert for dissection.

  4. OK, thanks Dave. I'll give it a try....


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