Tuesday 11 August 2020

New kids on the block

 Caught my first ever Gypsy Moth on 30th July at Ali's Pond LNR in Sonning and now catching one or two every night. Last night it was the turn for my first Oak Processionary which seems to be popping up everywhere now too, judging by Twitter mentions.


  1. Had my first OPs here in mid-Bucks last night as well - a new moth for me but not one I'm particularly glad to see!

  2. Are the Processionaries all males?

  3. Alastair's photos show a male, and mine were, and all the light-trapped Berkshire records so far that have had the sex specified have been male.

  4. Yes. The males seem to wander far and wide. Or maybe the females just don't fly to light. Whether their rate of spreading is accelerating is debatable, but it seems possible the moths aren't breeding in as many of the areas as they are caught.


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