Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Some sort of Beauty?

I caught several of these moths last night but I just can't seem to ID them. I'm sure I should know what they are but I don't!
I was delighted to catch two new species to me last week, a Scarce Silver Lines and  Peach Blossom. Many thanks in advance.

Lorna Woolhouse, Checkendon, South Oxon


  1. Hi Lorna,

    I doubt that many people get Satin Beauty in their garden, but you have a male and a female of the species! That resting position is actually typical of the species. Maybe the field guide should really have depicted it that way, but then you wouldn't know what the hind-wings looked like...

  2. Fantastic thank so much Dave. Yes it was the resting position that completely threw me as I couldn't find anything that matched it. I caught 6 of them last night! We do have a lot of old Yew trees in surrounding woodland, so I would guess that is what they are feeding on.

  3. Sadly it isn't doing too well in my area (Aylesbury Vale) because the trend locally is to remove the conifers planted in the 1960s and allow sites to revert to deciduous woodland. Much better for very many species, of course, but Satin Beauty has been one of the casualties along with others such as Bordered White.


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