Friday 24 July 2020

Too Kinky For Plain?

I get a lot of Riband Waves in my central Oxford Actinic trap and each time I dutifully check them for the rarer Plain Wave. I got rather excited a couple of days ago when I found the one below in which the outer crossline near the leading edge seemed to be far less kinked that my usual Riband Waves I see. In addition the wing surface was less "peppered" than usual. However, on doing some Googling of Plain Waves it seems that this is still more kinked than the very smooth (and rather faint) outer crossline that Plain Wave. So is this just a less kinky Riband or have I actually found a Plain?

Plain Wave Candidate

One of my more usual Riband Waves
Adam Hartley

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam,

    This is still Riband Wave for me I'm afraid. Plain Wave has a more silky appearance and the cross lines are not so boldly marked and there is still a fairly pronounced kink. so as you suggest, just a less kinky Riband Wave :). Best wishes, Marc


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