Wednesday 3 June 2020

2 micros for id confirmation

The number of micros appearing in the garden trap here in Cookham seems to be improving. The first micro pictured below is one I have not seen before. I think it is the Timothy Tortrix Aphelia paleana (or is it now Zelotherses paleana?).

The second micro pictured below I think is Cydia fagiglandana. Unless it is a very early Cydia splendana?

Steve Trigg, Cookham

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    I'd say yes to Zelotherses paleana and Cydia fagiglandana. I've had Z.unitana determined by dissection from the Marsh Gibbon RIS trap in Bucks (a specimen that "looked different" in that it had no suffusion of yellow scales) so it could be around locally, but that assumes that it is a separate species which some people still seem to dispute.


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